Health & Fitness

Aris Latham Approved Food List - Ascendment

Aris Latham Approved Food List

Aris Latham is known as the father of gourmet raw food cuisine. He runs Sunfired where he teaches people about the foods and eating habits which keep him looking &...

Aris Latham Approved Food List

Aris Latham is known as the father of gourmet raw food cuisine. He runs Sunfired where he teaches people about the foods and eating habits which keep him looking &...

Why Kim Kardashian Drinks Hydrogen Water

Why Kim Kardashian Drinks Hydrogen Water

Kim Kardashian knows that to look beautiful on the outside you need to look after your body on the inside. The star goes to great lengths to look after her...

Why Kim Kardashian Drinks Hydrogen Water

Kim Kardashian knows that to look beautiful on the outside you need to look after your body on the inside. The star goes to great lengths to look after her...

Paul Saladino Approved Food List - Ascendment

Paul Saladino Approved Food List

Paul Saladino is a double board certified MD and nutrition specialist. He is the founder of the Fundamental Health podcast, and author of The Carnivore Code and The Carnivore Code...

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Paul Saladino Approved Food List

Paul Saladino is a double board certified MD and nutrition specialist. He is the founder of the Fundamental Health podcast, and author of The Carnivore Code and The Carnivore Code...

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Sadhguru’s Approved Food List – What Does Sadhguru Eat? | Ascendment

Sadhguru’s Approved Food List – What Does Sadhg...

Sadhguru is an Indian yogi who describes himself as being “dedicated to the physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing of humanity”. The founder of the Isha Foundation, is known for his...

Sadhguru’s Approved Food List – What Does Sadhg...

Sadhguru is an Indian yogi who describes himself as being “dedicated to the physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing of humanity”. The founder of the Isha Foundation, is known for his...

Gary Brecka Quotes

Gary Brecka – Quotes, Advice and Motivation

Who is Gary Brecka? Gary Brecka is a Human Biologist and Bio-Hacker who helps people improve, optimize and extend their lives. The Florida native is fascinated with the function of...

Gary Brecka – Quotes, Advice and Motivation

Who is Gary Brecka? Gary Brecka is a Human Biologist and Bio-Hacker who helps people improve, optimize and extend their lives. The Florida native is fascinated with the function of...

Lean Beef Patty's Diet - Ascendment

Lean Beef Patty's Diet - What Does She Eat?

Lean Beef Patty is a fitness influencer who has become an internet sensation due to her quirky yet down to earth personality. She has an incredible physique all-year round –...

Lean Beef Patty's Diet - What Does She Eat?

Lean Beef Patty is a fitness influencer who has become an internet sensation due to her quirky yet down to earth personality. She has an incredible physique all-year round –...

Dr Sebi's Approved Food List - Ascendment

Dr. Sebi’s Approved Food List

Dr. Sebi was a herbalist, natural healer, and holistic health practitioner. He gained popularity through his advocacy of an alkaline diet and herbal remedies which went against mainstream beliefs. The...

Dr. Sebi’s Approved Food List

Dr. Sebi was a herbalist, natural healer, and holistic health practitioner. He gained popularity through his advocacy of an alkaline diet and herbal remedies which went against mainstream beliefs. The...

Gary Brecka's Approved Food List - Ascendment

Gary Brecka’s Approved Food List

Bio-hacker and Human Biologist Gary Brecka is known for helping celebrities overcome illnesses, improve their health and extend their life span. Diet is hugely important – but what does Gary...


Gary Brecka’s Approved Food List

Bio-hacker and Human Biologist Gary Brecka is known for helping celebrities overcome illnesses, improve their health and extend their life span. Diet is hugely important – but what does Gary...

Eddie Abbew Quotes - Ascendment

Eddie Abbew Quotes - Gym and Nutrition Advice

Who is Eddie Abbew? Eddie Abbew is a former bodybuilding competitor, psychiatric nurse and current gym owner who has gained fame on Tik Tok. The fitness enthusiast is known for...

Eddie Abbew Quotes - Gym and Nutrition Advice

Who is Eddie Abbew? Eddie Abbew is a former bodybuilding competitor, psychiatric nurse and current gym owner who has gained fame on Tik Tok. The fitness enthusiast is known for...

Chris Bumstead - Quotes, Advice & Tips

Chris Bumstead Quotes - Gym Advice and Motivation

Who is Chris Bumstead? Chris Bumstead is a five-time Mr. Olympia Classic Physique Champion from Ontario, Canada. The bodybuilder fondly known as CBUM has dominated the Classic Physique category in...

Chris Bumstead Quotes - Gym Advice and Motivation

Who is Chris Bumstead? Chris Bumstead is a five-time Mr. Olympia Classic Physique Champion from Ontario, Canada. The bodybuilder fondly known as CBUM has dominated the Classic Physique category in...

Sam Sulek Quotes, Advice & Motivation

Sam Sulek Quotes - Gym Advice and Motivation

Who is Sam Sulek? Sam Sulek is a 21-year-old bodybuilder who has amassed a following of over 1 million subscribers on Youtube by documenting every day of his “Spring Bulk” which seemed...

Sam Sulek Quotes - Gym Advice and Motivation

Who is Sam Sulek? Sam Sulek is a 21-year-old bodybuilder who has amassed a following of over 1 million subscribers on Youtube by documenting every day of his “Spring Bulk” which seemed...

Gary Brecka - The Benefits of PEMF Mats

Gary Brecka - The Benefits of PEMF Mats

Biohacker Gary Brecka recommends people to perform earthing, also known as grounding, as often as possible. The current from the earth can revitalize the cells in the human body. PEMF...

Gary Brecka - The Benefits of PEMF Mats

Biohacker Gary Brecka recommends people to perform earthing, also known as grounding, as often as possible. The current from the earth can revitalize the cells in the human body. PEMF...

Dr. Berg’s Approved Food List - Ascendment

Dr. Berg’s Approved Food List

Dr. Berg is a trained chiropractor and nutritional health expert who is a staunch critic of ultra-processed foods that are pushed to the public. But what ingredients does The Knowledge...

Dr. Berg’s Approved Food List

Dr. Berg is a trained chiropractor and nutritional health expert who is a staunch critic of ultra-processed foods that are pushed to the public. But what ingredients does The Knowledge...

Gary Brecka - Why You Should Drink Hydrogen Water

Gary Brecka - Why You Should Drink Hydrogen Water

Gary Brecka is a human biologist and biohacker who has transformed the health of celebrities including Steve Aoki, Dana White and Steve Harvey. He advocates cold water exposure, fasting and...

Gary Brecka - Why You Should Drink Hydrogen Water

Gary Brecka is a human biologist and biohacker who has transformed the health of celebrities including Steve Aoki, Dana White and Steve Harvey. He advocates cold water exposure, fasting and...

Best 5 Cold Plunges & Ice Baths to Buy in 2024 for All Budgets

Best 5 Cold Plunges & Ice Baths to Buy in 2024 ...

Cold plunges and ice baths can improve cardiovascular health, aid muscle recovery, boost mood, improve focus, and encourage fat loss among an array of other benefits. The more research that...

Best 5 Cold Plunges & Ice Baths to Buy in 2024 ...

Cold plunges and ice baths can improve cardiovascular health, aid muscle recovery, boost mood, improve focus, and encourage fat loss among an array of other benefits. The more research that...

Gary Brecka Cold Plunge Protocol – The Benefits of Ice Baths - Ascendment

Gary Brecka Cold Plunge Protocol – The Benefits...

Gary Brecka is a human biologist and biohacker renowned for improving the health and wellbeing of the world’s top athletes and celebrities. He is a huge advocate for cold water...

Gary Brecka Cold Plunge Protocol – The Benefits...

Gary Brecka is a human biologist and biohacker renowned for improving the health and wellbeing of the world’s top athletes and celebrities. He is a huge advocate for cold water...

Gary Brecka – The Alkaline Water Myth

Gary Brecka – The Alkaline Water Myth

Gary Brecka is a human biologist and biohacker who has worked with leading athletes to optimize their health and performance. He’s also a health consultant to the stars and has...

Gary Brecka – The Alkaline Water Myth

Gary Brecka is a human biologist and biohacker who has worked with leading athletes to optimize their health and performance. He’s also a health consultant to the stars and has...

Barbara O’Neill’s Approved Food List

Barbara O’Neill’s Approved Food List

Barbara O’Neill is a nutritionist who is an advocate for alternative medicine and utilizing foods to heal a variety of ailments. She eats a plant-based diet – but what does...

1 comment

Barbara O’Neill’s Approved Food List

Barbara O’Neill is a nutritionist who is an advocate for alternative medicine and utilizing foods to heal a variety of ailments. She eats a plant-based diet – but what does...

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Eddie Abbew’s Approved Food List: What Does Eddie Abbew Eat? - Ascendment

Eddie Abbew’s Approved Food List: What Does Edd...

Former professional bodybuilder and psychiatric nurse Eddie Abbew left the NHS as he was disillusioned with how the health service operated. The gym owner has amassed a huge following on...


Eddie Abbew’s Approved Food List: What Does Edd...

Former professional bodybuilder and psychiatric nurse Eddie Abbew left the NHS as he was disillusioned with how the health service operated. The gym owner has amassed a huge following on...

Andrew Huberman – Saunas Can Extend Your Life - Ascendment

Andrew Huberman – Saunas Can Extend Your Life

Neuroscientist Andrew Huberman is known for his protocols to improve the many different aspects of our health. He is passionate about cold and hot exposure, and states that regular sauna-use...

Andrew Huberman – Saunas Can Extend Your Life

Neuroscientist Andrew Huberman is known for his protocols to improve the many different aspects of our health. He is passionate about cold and hot exposure, and states that regular sauna-use...

Andrew Huberman’s Sauna Protocol to Increase Growth Hormone - Ascendment

Andrew Huberman’s Sauna Protocol to Increase Gr...

Regular sauna-use can provide an array of health benefits and extend our lifespan. Saunas can also be used as a tool to supercharge growth hormone production in the body. Neuroscientist...

Andrew Huberman’s Sauna Protocol to Increase Gr...

Regular sauna-use can provide an array of health benefits and extend our lifespan. Saunas can also be used as a tool to supercharge growth hormone production in the body. Neuroscientist...

Gary Brecka – Sauna Benefits & Heat Shock Proteins

Gary Brecka – Sauna Benefits & Heat Shock Proteins

Finland is regarded as the birthplace of the sauna with historians now believing sauna-use dates back as far as 7000BC. The many health benefits related to saunas are starting to...

Gary Brecka – Sauna Benefits & Heat Shock Proteins

Finland is regarded as the birthplace of the sauna with historians now believing sauna-use dates back as far as 7000BC. The many health benefits related to saunas are starting to...

Gary Brecka – Popcorn Lung & the Dangers of Vaping - Ascendment

Gary Brecka – Popcorn Lung & the Dangers of Vaping

Vaping has spread through the lungs of most of the Western world as young people see it as a more attractive alternative to smoking cigarettes. Human biologist and biohacker Gary...

Gary Brecka – Popcorn Lung & the Dangers of Vaping

Vaping has spread through the lungs of most of the Western world as young people see it as a more attractive alternative to smoking cigarettes. Human biologist and biohacker Gary...

Andrew Huberman – Tongkat Ali Will Boost Your Testosterone | Ascendment

Andrew Huberman – Tongkat Ali Will Boost Your T...

Testosterone levels are at an all-time low with levels significantly decreasing the older we get. Many men are opting for TRT, but an ancient Southeast Asian herb, recommended by Andrew...

Andrew Huberman – Tongkat Ali Will Boost Your T...

Testosterone levels are at an all-time low with levels significantly decreasing the older we get. Many men are opting for TRT, but an ancient Southeast Asian herb, recommended by Andrew...

Andrew Huberman - What is Zone 2 Cardio - Ascendment

Andrew Huberman - What is Zone 2 Cardio?

Zone 2 cardio is a relatively new term that has entered the mainstream health and fitness realm – but what does it mean? Neuroscientist Andrew Huberman is an advocate for...

Andrew Huberman - What is Zone 2 Cardio?

Zone 2 cardio is a relatively new term that has entered the mainstream health and fitness realm – but what does it mean? Neuroscientist Andrew Huberman is an advocate for...

Sam Sulek – Why You Should Do Cardio

Sam Sulek – Why You Should Do Cardio

Cardio exercise provides an abundance of health benefits for the mind and body. Sam Sulek says the “only downside to doing cardio is the fact that you have to do...

Sam Sulek – Why You Should Do Cardio

Cardio exercise provides an abundance of health benefits for the mind and body. Sam Sulek says the “only downside to doing cardio is the fact that you have to do...

Sam Sulek on Supplements: Which Supplements & Vitamins Does Sam Sulek Take? - Ascendment

Sam Sulek on Supplements: Which Supplements & V...

Sam Sulek has blown up on Youtube in the past year, but which supplements have helped him blow up his physique? In this article we’ll discuss the supplements and vitamins...

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Sam Sulek on Supplements: Which Supplements & V...

Sam Sulek has blown up on Youtube in the past year, but which supplements have helped him blow up his physique? In this article we’ll discuss the supplements and vitamins...

1 comment
Andrew Huberman 8 Reasons You Should Buy an Ice Bath Tub - Ascendment

Andrew Huberman - Why You Should Cold Plunge

Neuroscientist Andrew Huberman is at the forefront of new developments when it comes to optimizing the human mind and body. Studies suggest that cold water exposure has a number of...

Andrew Huberman - Why You Should Cold Plunge

Neuroscientist Andrew Huberman is at the forefront of new developments when it comes to optimizing the human mind and body. Studies suggest that cold water exposure has a number of...

Gary Brecka & Dana White Diet - Ascendment

Dana White’s Before & After Body Transformation...

Before UFC head honcho Dana White met health expert Gary Brecka he was struggling to tie his shoe laces, suffering from sleep apnoea, and passing out during meetings. Brecka was...

Dana White’s Before & After Body Transformation...

Before UFC head honcho Dana White met health expert Gary Brecka he was struggling to tie his shoe laces, suffering from sleep apnoea, and passing out during meetings. Brecka was...

Sara Saffari Quotes - Ascendment Blog

Sara Saffari Quotes - Gym Advice and Motivation

Who is Sara Saffari? Sara Saffari is a 22 year old fitness influencer from Kentucky known for her sparkling personality and washboard abs. She's now based in Los Angeles and...

Sara Saffari Quotes - Gym Advice and Motivation

Who is Sara Saffari? Sara Saffari is a 22 year old fitness influencer from Kentucky known for her sparkling personality and washboard abs. She's now based in Los Angeles and...

Herbal Teas for Every Occasion - Benefits of 8 Herbal Teas - Ascendment Health & Fitness Blog

Herbal Teas for Every Occasion - Benefits of 8 ...

Vanilla Lattes and Frappuccinos are all the rage. While they taste nice and look good with your name spelled wrong on Instagram, they provide little nutritional value and few health...

Herbal Teas for Every Occasion - Benefits of 8 ...

Vanilla Lattes and Frappuccinos are all the rage. While they taste nice and look good with your name spelled wrong on Instagram, they provide little nutritional value and few health...

The Toning Up Myth - Ascendment Health & Fitness Blog

The Toning Up Myth

So, you want to “tone up”? People tell you to use lighter weights and increase the number of reps. This is complete gobbledygook. Put down the 1lbs dumbbells and stop...

The Toning Up Myth

So, you want to “tone up”? People tell you to use lighter weights and increase the number of reps. This is complete gobbledygook. Put down the 1lbs dumbbells and stop...

Losing Body Fat is Easy - When You Know How - Ascenment Health & Fitness Blog Post

Losing Body Fat is Easy (When You Know How)

Losing body fat is often overcomplicated by so-called experts. The equation to lose body fat is extremely straight-forward. With consistency and persistence incredible results can be achieved. In this article...

Losing Body Fat is Easy (When You Know How)

Losing body fat is often overcomplicated by so-called experts. The equation to lose body fat is extremely straight-forward. With consistency and persistence incredible results can be achieved. In this article...

Starting Out at The Gym - Advice for Beginners

Starting Out at the Gym - Advice to Maximize Re...

The gym can be quite a daunting prospect if you’ve never been before. But there’s no need for it to be. Once you get in there you realize everyone is...

Starting Out at the Gym - Advice to Maximize Re...

The gym can be quite a daunting prospect if you’ve never been before. But there’s no need for it to be. Once you get in there you realize everyone is...

Train with Intensity - Ascendment Health & Fitness Blog

Train with Intensity

When you see someone in the gym lying down on the hack squat machine for 20 minutes while messaging their friends on Whatsapp they may as well be laid on...

Train with Intensity

When you see someone in the gym lying down on the hack squat machine for 20 minutes while messaging their friends on Whatsapp they may as well be laid on...

Ditch the Starbucks - Ascendment Health & Fitness Blog

Ditch the Starbucks

Coffee has become a staple of our morning routines, and it’s not surprising with 16,095 Starbucks branches aligning US street corners. But what if I told you there was a...

Ditch the Starbucks

Coffee has become a staple of our morning routines, and it’s not surprising with 16,095 Starbucks branches aligning US street corners. But what if I told you there was a...

The Benefits of Dark Chocolate - Ascendment Health & Fitness Blog

Come Over to The Dark Side – The Power of Dark ...

Dark chocolate is a real gamechanger. It tastes delicious, provides an almost instantaneous wave of motivation and mental energy, and provides numerous health benefits. It isn’t called a superfood for...

Come Over to The Dark Side – The Power of Dark ...

Dark chocolate is a real gamechanger. It tastes delicious, provides an almost instantaneous wave of motivation and mental energy, and provides numerous health benefits. It isn’t called a superfood for...