Which Fruits Have The Least Calories? – The Complete Low to High Calorie Fruit List

Which Fruits Have The Least Calories? – The Complete Low to High Calorie Fruit List

Fruit has been demonized by parts of the health and fitness industry due to its high sugar content. In reality, it should be a key component of most healthy, balanced diets and is even a great option to include during periods of attempted fat loss due to fruit containing low amounts of calories and providing an array of health benefits. But just how many calories are there in each type of fruit?

In this article, we’ll discuss the number of calories in the top 100 most common fruits (and not so common – what is a Buddha’s Finger?!) We’ll also look at the health benefits and why it’s important to regularly consume fruits even when eating a fat-loss focused diet.

The list may introduce you to some new fruits you haven’t heard of and may fancy trying. It may also give you some new options when looking for low calorie fruits if you are looking to reduce the number of calories you eat. Alternatively, you may be looking for some high calorie options if looking to put on weight. This guide has it all!

Why Should We Eat Fruit Regularly & What are the Health Benefits?


Fruits are nutrient-rich and packed full of essential vitamins and minerals. These include vitamin C, potassium, and folate, which are crucial for maintaining overall health and supporting bodily functions.

Full of Fiber

Most fruits contain beneficial amounts of dietary fiber. Fiber aids digestion, helps regulate blood sugar levels, and can lower cholesterol.

Rich in Antioxidants

Fruits are rich in antioxidants which help protect the body from oxidative stress and inflammation. Antioxidants such as flavonoids can reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

Contains Natural Sugars

Unlike most processed foods, fruits contain natural sugars which are far healthier than added sugar and refined sugar. Fructose and glucose are found naturally in fruit. The effects of these natural sugars on the body are moderated by the fiber, vitamins and minerals also contained in the fruit.

Boosts the Immune System

The high content of vitamins and antioxidants in fruit, including vitamin c, helps to support the body’s immune function which fights off illnesses and disease.

Improves Heart Health

Regular consumption of fruits such as berries, citrus fruits, and apples has been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease. These fruits contain compounds that help lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol, and improve blood vessel function.

List of the Lowest Calorie Fruits to Highest

Fruit Calories Per 100g
Chayote 19 calories
Miracle Fruits 20 calories
Lemons 29 calories
Calamondin 30 calories
Limes 30 calories
Kaffir Lime 30 calories
Yuzu 30 calories
Pitangas (Brazilian Cherry) 30 calories
Watermelons 30 calories
Tamarillos 31 calories
Starfruits (Carambolas) 31 calories
Acerolas (Barbados Cherries) 32 calories
Strawberries 32 calories
Cantaloupes 34 calories
Honeydew Melons 36 calories
Satsuma 38 calories
Peaches 39 calories
Pears 39 calories
Grapefruits 42 calories
Papayas 43 calories
Mulberries 43 calories
Blackberries 43 calories
Rose Apples 44 calories
African Cucumber 44 calories
Nectarines 44 calories
Gooseberries 44 calories
Horned Melons (Kiwano) 44 calories
Surinam Cherries 45 calories
Cranberries 46 calories
Plums 46 calories
Clementine 47 calories
Ugli Fruits 47 calories
Ugli Fruit 47 calories
Medlars 47 calories
Loquats 47 calories
Blood Orange 47 calories
Oranges 47 calories
Noni 48 calories
Monkey Orange 48 calories
Apricots 48 calories
Camu Camu 50 calories
Cloudberries 50 calories
Boysenberries 50 calories
Cherries 50 calories
Jabuticaba 50 calories
Pineapples 50 calories
Loganberries 51 calories
Raspberries 52 calories
Apples 52 calories
Feijoa (Pineapple Guava) 53 calories
Tangerines 53 calories
Hala Fruit 54 calories
Redcurrants 56 calories
White Currants 56 calories
Quince 57 calories
Blueberries 57 calories
Bilberries 57 calories
Langsat 57 calories
Dragon Fruits (Pitayas) 60 calories
Jabuticabas 60 calories
African Mango 60 calories
Longans 60 calories
Mangoes 60 calories
Kiwis 61 calories
Blackcurrants 63 calories
Lychees 66 calories
Guavas 68 calories
Rambutans 68 calories
Grapes 69 calories
Kumquats 71 calories
Finger Lime 73 calories
Mangosteens 73 calories
Elderberries 73 calories
Soursops (Guanabanas) 73 calories
Figs 74 calories
Buddha's Hand 74 calories
Medlars 74 calories
Pawpaw (Asimina triloba) 75 calories
Custard Apples (Cherimoyas) 75 calories
Nance 76 calories
Marula 76 calories
Jujubes 79 calories
Barberries 81 calories
Persimmons 81 calories
Langsat (Lanzones) 82 calories
Mabolo (Velvet Apple) 82 calories
Salak (Snake Fruits) 82 calories
Sapodillas 83 calories
Pomegranates 83 calories
Bananas 89 calories
Jackfruits 95 calories
Passion Fruits 97 calories
Breadfruits 102 calories
Durians 133 calories
Bael 140 calories
Ackees 151 calories
Avocados 160 calories
Tamarinds 239 calories
Dates 277 calories
Coconuts 354 calories

 Source for number of calories: https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/ 

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