What Does GG33 Say About Life Path 8? - Ascendment

What Does GG33 Say About Life Path 8?

Numerologist Garry Grinberg, better known by his pseudonym GG33, has taken social media by storm in the last two years. GG33 has brought numerology and Chinese astrology to the attention of the masses via his viral Tik Toks. Garry often talks about the different Life Paths people are on – but what does he say about Life Path 8?

What is Life Path 8?

In numerology the number 8 symbolizes power, money, and karma according to GG33. If your birth date adds up to 8 when reduced down to a single digit you are a Life Path 8.

People born on the 8th, 17th, and 26th of a month also carry energy associated with the number 8. However, they may have a different Life Path Number which is their primary energy.

You can calculate your Life Path Number on a Life Path calculator.

What is Associated with Life Path 8?


The number 8 is highly associated with karma. GG33 states that people who have 8 energy tend to be “extremely karmic.” Those that put out good energy into the universe will receive good back. This is signified by the shape of the number 8. The numerologist says: “Look at the shape of the number 8 – what goes around comes around.” The number 8 is the same shape as the infinity sign or the ouroboros – the snake eating its own tail.

Just as doing good in the world will bring good back to you, vibrating negative energy or performing bad deeds will “come back to you like a boomerang” if you’re an 8 Life Path or have 8 energy.

GG33 says karma comes around much quicker for Life Path 8’s compared to the other Life Paths. He says: “If you do anything bad it’s going to come back at you like that. Other people maybe in a year, maybe in 6 years, maybe in the next lifetime. You and every other person born on the 8th, 17th, 26th, or an 8 Life Path they get their karma right away.”


In numerology, 8 is the number most associated with money, with 28 being the number related to wealth. As the number 8 is also closely linked to karma, people who belong to Life Path 8, and those born on the 8th, 17th, or 26th of a month have a karmic relationship with money.

GG33 explains this karmic experience that 8’s have with money: “One of the experiences of being an 8 is understanding what poverty and understanding what having abundance is.” Life Path 8’s often come from nothing and become financially secure through hard work, dedication, and good deeds.

The numerologist says: “You’re never going to be in the middle. You’re either going up or down”. Life Path 8’s and people with 8 energy can improve their financial situation by working hard and putting out positive energy into the universe. He says that when 8’s do this their “money is going to be way up on most people.”

Money is extremely important to Life Path 8’s and they should actively look to grow their wealth. GG33 says: “You have to go out their and chase that bag, it’s very, very important as an 8 to do that.”

The correlation of the number 8 and money and good luck can be seen in China. The country started the Olympic Games on 08.08.2008 at 8.08pm. They went from being the 5th biggest economy in the world to the 2nd in just a few years.

GG33 advises companies to price their products in 8’s and believes this will see an increase in sales. He notes that Walmart are aware of the power of the number 8 and use this tactic, saying:” If you go to Walmart – all the products are priced in 8’s because 8 is the number of money.”

Advice for Life Path 8’s

GG33 has the following advice for Life Path 8’s and people born on the 8th, 17th, or 26th of a month in order to fulfil their potential:

  • “Don’t be overly sensitive. Just shake things off.”
  • “Watch your karma. Karma’s real. You know the difference between right and wrong.”
  • “If you’re a righteous person you will have your bag.”
  • “You have to go out there and chase that bag, it’s very, very important as an 8 to do that.”

You can join GG33 Academy here

Your birth chart contains cheat codes on how you can attract money & abundance. Find out how with our How to Make Money With Astrology Guide

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