What Does GG33 Say About Life Path 5? - Ascendment

What Does GG33 Say About Life Path 5?

GG33 is renowned for talking about numerology and Life Path numbers on social media. He says your Life Path number and the day you were born imprint you with certain types of energy. But what does he say about Life Path 5’s?

What is Life Path 5?

In numerology, the number 5 relates to sexuality, travel, and entertainment. Life Path 5 blesses people with good looks and a highly sexual nature. They also like to travel and are natural-born entertainers.

People who are born on the 5th, 14th, or 23rd of a month also carry a slice of this 5 energy, even if their date of birth provides them with a different Life Path number.

What is Associated with Life Path 5?


Firstly, Life Path 5’s are renowned for being the most attractive Life Path number. Beyonce, Amber Heard, Camila Cabello, and Angelina Jolie are all 5LP’s. GG33 says: “5 is the number of good looks. People born on the 5th, 14th, 23rd are good looking. Don’t believe me? Go on your Facebook page and look up people born on those dates.” He goes on to say that there’s statistical evidence to prove that 5 is the number of good looks, saying: “30% of the top 100 models of all time were born on the 5th, 14th or 23rd.”

People with 5 energy can use their good looks to get further in life. GG33 states that this 5 energy is more beneficial to women saying that: “A woman who’s attractive can do a lot more with good looks than a guy’s who’s attractive.” He goes on to say that: “A woman who’s attractive can get billions.”

In addition, to being blessed with beauty, Life Path 5’s and people born on the 5th, 14th or 23rd are also very sexual in nature. 5 is the most sexual Life Path number with GG33 saying: “People who are 5’s are the most sexual people on the planet.”


Numerologist GG33 also associates Life Path 5 with travel, stating that “5 is the number of travel” and that people with 5 energy “like to travel”. He believes that to fulfil their potential these people must travel and experience different countries and cultures.


Entertaining people comes naturally to Life Path 5’s. Actors with this Life Path include Ryan Gosling, Tom Holland, and Rebel Wilson. Musicians include Mick Jagger, John Bon Jovi, Bruno Mars, and Beyonce. WWE superstars Randy Orton and AJ Styles also belong to this Life Path.

GG33 says “5 is the number of entertainers.” Similar to Life Path 3, 5’s have great communication skills. This combined with their good looks makes them powerhouses in the entertainment industry.

While being entertaining themselves, 5’s also need to be kept entertained by others. GG33 explains that if you’re a 5LP “you have a short attention span. You get bored very quickly.”

Advice for Life Path 5’s

GG33’s advice to Life Path 5’s and people born on the 5th, 14th, or 23rd so they can fulfil their full potential is the following:

“People who are 5’s have to travel. If they’re stuck in one place, they’re not going to reach their full potential.”

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