What Does GG33 Say About Life Path 4? - Ascendment

What Does GG33 Say About Life Path 4?

GG33’s videos on numerology and astrology have taken the internet by storm. He teaches that every person has a Life Path number which is calculated from adding up your date of birth and then reducing that number down. There are a number of different Life Paths – but what does GG33 say about Life Path 4?

What is Life Path 4?

In numerology, the number 4 is associated with law and order, and hard work. People who are 4 Life Paths are usually some of the most dedicated workers you’ll find. Many pursue careers in jobs that involve the law such as being security, police, lawyers, politicians, or government officials.

People born on the 4th, 13th, and 31st also carry some of this 4 energy even if their full date of birth adds up to give them a different Life Path number.

What is Associated with Life Path 4?

Law & Order

GG33 states that “4 is the number of law and order.” He notes that Donald Trump is a 4 Life Path and he was a “law and order president.” The US was also formed on a 4 day and is a country which is based on law and order.

The significance of the number 4 can be seen on certain days. GG3 says: “Whenever it’s the 4th, 13th, 31st you’re going to see a whole bunch of cops pulling people over.”

Hard Work

Life Path 4’s and people with 4 energy are renowned for being hard workers. They are the hardest working and most dedicated out of all the different Life Paths. GG33 says: “People who are 4’s are pretty much the worker bees in life.”

It’s often difficult for employers to find reliable workers who put in a good shift, but Garry says that companies should utilize the power of numerology to find good workers. He says: “If you’re an employer employ people who are born on the 4th, 13th, or 31st because they work hard.”

Advice for Life Path 4’s

GG33’s advice to people who are Life Path 4’s and people born on the 1st, 13th, or 31st is to make the most of what they’ve been blessed with. The 4 energy provides people with incredible work ethic, good morals, and reliability. To advance in the Life Path people must do the following:

  • “If you’re born on the 1st, 13th, or 31st you’re going to have to work your ass off.”
  • “You’re going to have to work hard brother. There’s not going to be any shortcuts.”
  • “You have to put in work. I know you don’t mind it though.”
  • “You can have everything you want, but you’re going to have to work your ass off for it.”

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Your birth chart contains cheat codes on how you can attract money & abundance. Find out how with our How to Make Money With Astrology Guide

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